Saturday night found a huge crowd at the clubhouse for ice cream sundaes—the line stretched all the way back to the door. Must have been the great servers we had.

Kris and Art have welcomed their son and daughter-in-law and 2 grandchildren for the coming week. We watched 2-year-old Cody race around the bathhouse early Sunday morning. Later the family went up to the pool.
Health problems sent Connie and Fitz home and we all said a sad farewell to them Sunday morning. We all wish Connie well and will be sending many prayers and good thoughts their way.
Twenty-eight people gathered for the weekly bean bag tournament. We started in warm sunshine, the clouds moved in and we played the final four games in a cool rainfall. Kris gave crochet lessons on the sidelines.
Blaine’s grandson and family arrived and Blaine got Mike, Hank and Matt to help him with the sewer pipe for their trailer.
Sadly, we watched an ambulance come down our lane Sunday evening and come to a stop at Donna and Obie’s trailer. Obie was airlifted to Jackson Memorial in Miami with a possible stroke. They actually stopped the traffic on US-1 and landed the helicopter right on the road. Bill and Judy drove Donna up to Miami and we all are keeping them in our prayers and thoughts, too.