Tuesday, October 6, 2009



Hank and I drove down the mountain to LAX to pick up my brother, Mark, who flew in from Ann Arbor for the wedding.  Our niece, Kelly, (brother Mike’s daughter) is marrying Brian at the Trump National Golf Club.  Kathleen and her family drove down later in the day.  Garrett will be the ring bearer and Madison is the flower girl.   We all stayed at the Best Western in Redondo Beach.  After getting settled, we drove up to Rancho Palos Verdes for the rehearsal.  It’s a gorgeous area, overlooking the ocean, but we were surprised to see the road sign warning of constant motion in the area!  We also saw evidence of the fires from last month and realized how close it had come to the site of the wedding.

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The next day, after swimming in the pool, eating lunch at Martha’s in Hermosa Beach, showing Mark the Strand and just generally relaxing, we set off for the wedding.  What a beautiful setting overlooking the Pacific Ocean and Catalina Island in the distance.  Both Maddie and Garrett looked so cute in their wedding finery, though Garrett wasn’t too sure about carrying the ring pillow—luckily, the best man had the rings in his pocket and we didn’t have to go searching for them in the grass.

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Oh, and I have to tell you the cutest thing.  Kelly had asked Madison to make an announcement.  So, when they got to the head of the stairs, Madison yelled, in a loud voice, “The bride is coming!!!”  You should have heard everyone laugh.

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As you can see, Kelly was a stunning bride and Brian didn’t stop smiling all evening long.  It was good to have family and friends gathered together to share this very happy occasion. 

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